Informational Resources To Aid Your Personal Injury Case

Finding the right attorney to assist with your personal injury or wrongful death claim is one of the most important decisions you will make. While we believe that Kaire & Heffernan, PLLC, is the natural choice for representation in the Miami area, we understand you may need more time and information in order to feel comfortable deciding.

On this page, we’ve compiled a list of informational resources about personal injury law and tips on how to move your case forward. You’ll also find links to our firm’s client reviews, case results and other information to help you feel confident in choosing the best firm for you. When you are ready to get started, we invite you to contact our skilled attorneys to schedule a free initial consultation.

Learn More About Florida Personal Injury Law

If you’re browsing this site, you might not be ready to contact an attorney yet, or you may just be curious about personal injury matters in Florida. In either case, we invite you to utilize the available resources linked below:

Finally, clients often ask us how much their case is worth. We can only answer this question after discussing the details with you during an initial consultation. But if you want a preliminary estimate of the financial value prior to your appointment, you can utilize our damages calculator.

What To Know As Your Case Moves Forward

The legal process can take a while, and that’s difficult to bear when you are struggling with the aftermath of your injuries. If you need practical help with day-to-day matters while your case is pending, please reference our list of disability assistance resources in the Miami area.

Medical records will play an important role in any personal injury claim, and you may be able to move your case forward more quickly by helping your attorney attain your medical records. Please visit our page on retrieving medical records to learn more.

You Can Feel Confident Working With Our Firm

Our firm has been in operation in the Miami area since 1997. In that time we have helped countless clients pursue justice and compensation. We consistently receive positive reviews for our hard work and dedication, as well as for offering clients personalized attention. Our attorneys are also sometimes sought by media outlets to discuss matters related to personal injury in the Miami area.

We have also managed to recover tens of millions of dollars on behalf of injury victims and families who have lost a loved one to another’s negligence. While no attorney can guarantee success, we are proud of our case results and strive to give each client the best outcome we can manage.

Contact Us Today For A Free Initial Consultation

Kaire & Heffernan, PLLC serves clients in and around Miami, Florida. If you have been injured and want to understand your legal options, contact us to discuss them with a lawyer for free. Just call 305-876-6001 or submit an online contact form. Se habla español.