Miami Rear-End Accident Lawyers

Rear-end collisions can happen unexpectedly and cause serious injuries. The sudden impact of a rear-end car crash may cause whiplash, broken bones, head trauma, neck injuries or even death. These dangerous rear-end car accidents are commonly caused by a driver following too closely or not paying attention to the road ahead.

At Kaire & Heffernan, PLLC, we understand the physical, emotional and financial tolls that a rear-end crash can have on victims and their families. We have years of experience and a proven track record of success with rear-end collision cases. Call us today at 305-876-6001 to arrange a free consultation about your rear-end accident claim and learn how we can help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

What To Do After A Rear-End Collision

When involved in a car accident, it’s crucial to take a moment to assess your physical state. Ideally, someone will have called emergency services. If you are in significant pain and/or are certain you are injured, your first priority is always getting prompt medical attention. If you are not in any major discomfort, keep in mind that the damage may not become obvious until some time has passed.

If you are not in need of immediate medical care after being rear-ended, you will want to gather all the information you can about the accident. Attorneys always recommend following the proper documentation steps, which can help protect your legal rights after any auto accident. Remember P.I.C.L. – person, insurance, car and location.

  • Person: Get the personal information of the person who hit you and any witnesses to the accident, including their names, addresses and phone numbers.
  • Insurance: Obtain all insurance information from the other driver. You can write it down or even snap a picture of the insurance card with your phone.
  • Car: Record all relevant information about the automobile that hit you, including the make, model, color and license plate number. Document the damage to your car and the other car. The camera on your phone is a great tool for this. Take as many pictures as you can from a variety of angles.
  • Location: Take pictures of the location where the accident happened – again, from a variety of angles. Photos of the accident scene will make it easier for your attorney to determine what happened and can provide valuable evidence for your rear-end accident case.

If it appears that neither you nor the other party is hurt or injured, then you should contact your insurance provider to get compensation for the damages. Florida only allows you to seek compensation through legal channels for a car accident if someone has been permanently injured. However, if you suspect that you have sustained a permanent injury, then you should discuss your accident with an attorney as soon as possible.

Fault, Compensation And Settlements

Florida classifies car accidents as serious and complex if a rear-end collision leads to permanent injuries. In such a scenario, it is essential to seek the guidance of a seasoned legal professional.

Proving the rear driver was at fault in the accident is crucial for collecting compensation for your injuries. A competent attorney can present evidence to the court to establish the other driver’s liability in the accident.

In most instances, you and your attorney will pursue compensation from the other driver’s insurance provider. If they suspect that they will lose the case, car insurance companies will often offer settlements to car accident victims to avoid going to court. Some rear-end accidents can lead to severe injuries, and the compensation offered by the insurance company may not be sufficient. An attorney with experience with rear-end crashes can help you determine whether the settlement offer is fair or should be negotiated.

Secure A Skilled Rear-End Accident Lawyer Now

If you have been involved in a rear-end car accident, then it is important to know that you have legal rights to pursue compensation. The car insurance company involved in the accident may try to limit its liability. Your car accident attorney can help you identify all the damages that can be recovered, including property damage, medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Don’t let a rear-end accident leave you feeling hopeless and alone. Regardless of whether you’re eligible for personal injury protection (PIP), we are here to help in Miami. At Kaire & Heffernan, PLLC, we have handled many rear-end accident cases over the years and know how to build a strong case to get you fair compensation.

Call us at 305-876-6001 or contact us online to see how a rear-end collision lawyer can help you.